Music School

The school of the Foundation, SAMISULI is a community-based music program that is fostering social change by ensuring everyday musical education for underprivileged children and young people mainly of Roma origin, inspired by the Venezuela-based “El Sistema” and the Hungarian “Kodály Method”.

We work with nearly 1800 children in 21 locations all over Hungary with the help of 100 qualified music teachers. Our pupils or their families do not have to pay us any tuition fee.
Our pupils often live in extreme poverty, most of them inherit nothing but the burden of exclusion, hopelessness and eventually, crime.
When they are given the chance, these kids have all the potential to have a better life than their parents.
For most of our children the contact with our teachers is often the only connection to the majority of the society. The strong, intensive, mentoring relationship gives them so much more than just musical education.
We provide them access to values, skills, habits that help them to mobilise their inner strength, that teach them cooperation skills, responsibility, improve their attention span, and as a result their school performance and social skills are also improving.
Our children learn to play brass, woodwind, percussion or string instruments, and after playing the first clear note they get a seat in our orchestra. For children who usually fail at school, making music together and doing regular performances result in a sense of competence and achievement.
The individual guidance and the faith in them that they experience during classes, and the recognition after concerts give them motivation, a handhold, and a vision for the future.

Do you share our vision that it is possible to make the life and future of underprivileged children better?
With YOU on our side, we can give these children hope - and help their families and communities to break the vicious circle of poverty!